Thursday, October 23, 2008

Some Questions

Does meat sell products for men only? Can it not sell for women too? I'd like to see the statistics... but I imagine women eat meat just as much as men do. There can't be significantly less women who eat meat than there is men. I don't see the connection between men and meateaters. Men might traditionally kill the animals, but they are not the only ones who eat their kill. I find it interesting that it was noted that plant-based economies are more egalatarian. Do men discriminate more against women when they are eating more meat? I find this hard to believe. But if it so, what is the connection? Eating meat provokes discrimanate behavior?

Do most human meateaters think that they (humans) are more superior than animals, and this is why they don't eat humans? Too most humans, I would think it is obvious that it is taboo to eat humans; but why? Is this the case with other species who are carnivores? Do they also not eat their own kind? Perhaps it is because of the sentimentality other species have towards their own kind. If this is so, perhaps every conscious species recognizes a difference between their own species and every other. Perhaps every species has a mentality of survival, not only within each individual for itself, but for its own kind as well as for itself, and therefore only survives off species that are not of its kind.

I found this following comment that was made in class interesting: If a man is gay, he would reject meat. If he hasn't rejected meat, he hasn't made the connection yet. Maybe I misheard something, but I don't know where to begin to try to understand this. As above, is eating meat associated with being a man, or masculine? And are homosexual men always considered to be feminate, and to associate themselves with anything masculine would be a misunderstanding on their own part of the way they should behave for being homosexual?

1 comment:

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Yes, according to Carol Adams and many other theorists, eating meat is an expression of masculinity. Globally, women eat much less meat than men and make up the majority of vegetarian/vegans. Also, in many parts of the industrialized west, meat consumption is inversely related to educational attainment.